Claudia Canton
Veterinary Chiropractic

Treatment for your dog and horse

What is Veterinary Chiropractic?

Veterinary Chiropractic or Animal Chiropractic is a branch of medical science and manual therapy. It focuses on the spinal column and the effects it has on the nervous system. It works by treating the animal as a whole and stimulating the body’s nervous system in order to reactivate it. It helps in a mechanical and non-invasive way to prevent, diagnose and treat health and performance problem of animals.

Benefits of Chiropractic

  • Helps to recover and maintain full physical capacities
  • Relieves chronic musculoskeletal problems
  • Maintains joint health
  • Reduces tension or stiffness by increasing mobility and lengthening the stride
  • Optimizes the performance of sporting animals
  • Prevents compensatory injuries
  • Keeps the nervous system awake
  • Increases the proprioceptive abilities of the body
  • Improves the relationship of trust with the human
  • Helps herbivorous animals to relax from their innate condition of alertness to prey animals
  • It helps some animals to discover new positions within their body to later incorporate them into their innate healing mechanisms
